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公司-交互技术与体验系统文化和旅游部重点实验室(Key Laboratory of Interactive Technology and Experience System,Ministry of Culture and Tourism)定位于文化科技融合领域下的人机交互技术研究和文化体验系统研发,结合5G/6G先进信息通信技术,以交互感知技术为关键支撑,以交互体验设计为创意基础,以文化应用系统为体验形式,以标准制定为质量规范,形成“技术-设计-应用-标准”层次清晰的研究结构,全面服务于优秀文化内涵的深度体验和传承传播。



实验室团队先后主持和完成国家重点研发计划、国家重大专项、国家科技支撑、国家自然科学基金重点、总参重点等重大重点项目,专注于人工智能算法的研发、行为分析、事件检测、人脸识别、情感计算、图像和视频搜索、跨模态搜索。在设计艺术领域围绕信息领域的交互设计、互联网产品、数字内容、艺术形式开展设计问题深入研究。是国际电信联盟中数字文化领域标准制定的牵头者和组织者,在ITU-T 第16研究组(SG16)成立国际电联首个与文化相关的研究小组(Q23):“数字文化相关服务与系统”,负责召集组织全球数字文化方向标准化企业、专家共同进行相关标准化工作。同时在Web XR技术、文化内涵AR呈现技术、文化体验装备及系统等领域开展持续研发,研发成果广泛应用于各类文化场景,取得了良好的社会及经济效益。

实验室主任:苏森  教授

学术委员会主任:张晓明 研究员

实验室副主任:苏菲 教授、侯文君 教授、陈洪 副教授



电  话:010-6228-6853

邮  箱:ITES@bupt.edu.cn

联 系 人:丁世涛  博士 副研究员


The Key Laboratory of Interactive Technology and Experience System of Ministry of Culture and Tourism at Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications (BUPT) is set up with an aim to conduct human-machine interaction research and cultural experiment research and development through a combination of culture and technology together. Taking advantage of BUPT 5G/6G technology, with interactive perception technology as key support, interactive experiment design as innovative foundation, cultural application system as experience form, and standard setting as quality norm, the lab forms a clear research structure of ‘technology-design-application-standard’ so as to provide all-round service for in-depth experiment, inheritance and spread of outstanding cultural connotation.

Starting with two research directions of cultural experience interactive perception technology and cultural interactive experience system, the lab combines information technology and artificial intelligence with art design closely. It is backed by BUPT’s top-notch information and communication research strength, and draws support by BUPT’s  two national first-level disciplines, which are Information and Communication, Computer Science and Technology. With these enhancements, the lab has formed a strong multi-discipline feature that combines technology with creation and innovation. Till now it has made a series of remarkable research achievements and has established its reputation in its area at home and abroad.

At present, the lab has 45 regular staff members, including 37 with doctor's degree and 15 with professor titles. 95% of the researchers are under 45 years old. Besides, the lab has 12 visiting professors/researchers, 60 doctoral students and 230 master students, constituting the backbone of the lab's R&D and testing team.

In past years, the teams of the lab have hosted and completed a number of national projects, including national major research program, national 863 project, national science and technology support project, national natural science foundation project, etc. focusing on R&D of artificial intelligence algorithm such as intelligent monitoring, behavior analysis, event detection, face recognition, emotional computing, image and video search, cross-modal search. In the field of design art, the teams have carried out in-depth research on interaction design, internet products, digital content and art forms in the field of information technology. The lead researcher of the lab is the organizer and convener of digital culture standard formulation in International Telecommunication Union, who established the first culture-related group (Q23) in ITU-T Study Group 16 (SG16): Digital Culture-related Services and Systems, and is responsible for convening and organizing enterprises and experts to carry out relevant standardization work together in the area of global digital culture. The teams have been working continuously in the fields of Web XR technology, cultural connotation AR presentation technology, cultural experience equipment and system. The R&D achievements have been widely used in various cultural scenes, bringing good feedback and economic benefits for the society.